Note: This section assumes a knowledge of creating invoices in Harvest.

What is exported from Harvest to MYOB?

The following screenshot will show exactly what is exported from Harvest to MYOB:

Item Description
1 The name of the Client will map to the MYOB Customer Card 
2 Invoice ID will map to the Invoice # field of the MYOB Sale. Any prefix specified in the Configuration Screen will be prepended.
3 The issue date will map to the Invoice Date field of the MYOB Sale.
4 The Quantity field will append to the Sale Line Desciption in MYOB as the number of hours worked. So for example a quantity of 3.00 will be appended to the Sale line Description as "[3.00 hours]".
5 The Unit Price field will map to the Sale Line Amount field in MYOB.
6 The Description will map to the Sale Line Description in MYOB.
Please note the following:
  1. Only the first 240 characters of the description will be exported to MYOB, so please be mindful of the length of the invoice description.
  2. If you are exporting to an MYOB Sale with the Professional Template, then you must ensure that the timesheet entry date is found at the start of the description, followed by a space and a dash "-", as outlined in red. The date format must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format. So a timesheet line with a date of July 30, 2013 must be displayed as "30/07/2013". This date will map to the Sale Line Date field in MYOB. Unless this date is found at the start of the description, followed by a dash, the Integration software will not be able to extract the timesheet date. The section below will show you an easy way of setting up a Harvest Invoice for the Professional Layout.

An easy way to create an Invoice in Harvest for the Professional Layout in MYOB

If you're exporting a Harvest Invoice in to MYOB, and you're using the Professional Layout, the easiest way to go about it is to do the following:

On the following page:

  1. Make sure the Invoice Type portion of Section 2. Billable Hours has the option "Detailed Line Items" selected.
  2. Un-tick the "Project" box in the section beneath it. You do not have to un-tick the remaining boxes.

Click "Create Invoice" when you're ready to proceed.

On the following page, note how the Invoice Line descriptions have been formatted so that the Integration software can extract the timesheet entry date:

Click "Save Invoice" to complete the Harvest Invoice creation process.